Premier    Documentary    Movie    Fellowship
movie fellowship

«Premier Documentary Movie Fellowship» was founded in 2010 as independent production-house with full cycle television content production. During that time, the company has managed to join the pool of qualitative documentaries producers for federal channels «Russia-1», «Russia-K», «Channel One», «Channel One “Eurasia”».

Experienced producers established «Premier Documentary Movie Fellowship»: Alexander Zamyslov, full member of International Academy of Television and Radio (IATR), and Mark Aronov, high-professional media manager.

Since the moment of founding, the company has made its own technical base, which allows to implement content production from the phase of its developing to finished MASTER-version.

In 2014 Alexander Zamyslov received the certificate of acknowledgement from V.V. Putin, the president of RF, «For merits in preparation and holding the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games in the city of Sochi».