Premier    Documentary    Movie    Fellowship
movie fellowship
Directed by
Alexander Zamyslov
Written by
Elizaveta Zamyslova
Aired on
Online cinema "OKKO", 2021
Number of episodes
Card file. Writers

This project is unique by its large scale. For the first time it reveals a huge and amazing world of Russian libraries to viewers. The series of bright, colorful and thrilling short films is arranged into a single map. The project tells about “places of power” in the capital and in regions; about people who make unique creative spaces in most unexpected points on the map of the country.

You will get a chance to see the organizational structure of Russian library centers; to get acquainted with rare books and editions, and to penetrate into the secrets of library technologies. Russian libraries of today are multifunctional cultural centers with the richest history and wonderful traditions. The films of the project will help you to rediscover this thrilling and diversified world.

The project is launched within the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for creative projects of national importance in the field of culture and arts in 2021 and it is continued with the support of the Internet Development Institute (IRI).

Portfolio | Card file. Libraries